SKU: No.525171050

essential Middle Wallet No.525171

Sales Price¥16,940

(税込) Calculated of postage At the time of check -out



The body material is durable and elastic by tanning the kip leather with vegetable tannins, combining two types of leather that has changed the finish processing. Leather with a strong gloss is made of hand -painted finish by hand -coated so that the craftsman uses puffs to penetrate the wax on the surface of one leather after finishing with only dye. In addition, the use of high -dric iron, which can add higher pressure and high temperature than usual, gives a deeper gloss. Leather with a strong matte feeling is made of rubber -like by using mat material that suppresses gloss after finishing with pigments. The same material is finished with a completely different expression, combined with contrast, and a design that allows you to switch linear patterns.
Size W105 H95 D20 M

Kip leather


There may be wrinkles and scratches that are unique to the individual seen in leather. Please note that there is a possibility that color shift and color transfer color may occur due to friction, etc. Please note that due to natural leather, if it gets wet with rain or water, it may be a stain.


The main storage includes cards, billing, and coin purse.

Hook -type coin purse.

A billing that is easy to put in and out by opening one side large.

Cards can be stored on the back of the bill.

The zipper uses YKK's Excella. The surface is polished, so it features smooth use and gloss.

A strip name common to the series.
