SKU: No.02722010A

nostalgia 2WAY Tote Bag No.02722

Sales Price¥39,600

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The main material is the dough of 1260d, which is used for tatejoko, which is a 1260d thread that has been used as a strong line-up for the "Fariiro ®".The Farrillo ® is a hollow naylon material, which has a peculiar sense of photonic structure based on the special neutron structure.The same 1260d and 20 % less lighter than 20 % are lighter and more thickly and more suitable to have moderate harry and cossy ingredients.I have a water-mucked water-processing process.The bottom is a CORDURA ® brand, Hollofil AirTM (66 nylon in the middle of the nylon). The three layers were used, the high-end durability and the alligate of the water, and the alfaaf will be Rick.The thwarted sueet, the thick bark of North America, was drowned, and after it was tanned, Sainte, Hemaniha, was politely wretled with the hassles of the hassenes.As a thickened reception, the chromosome process is divided into two parts and impregnated with a waterproof agent when it is stained, and it is a suet that has increased waterproofing.The lazag, which had been handed over to the Hunt, was a hundred percent tannine, and it was a thickly sainer-haunted resurrection, which was to enjoy the change of longitude.A combination of high strength, high-plucked water material, and a millitare teysone, and the rice with the Iret in the chain, Loko would have been a hollow-intremely strained cyst.
Size W330 H240 D135 mm
Weight About 670g

1260d Middle Nylontyl/MASTERTEX-09TM (CORDURA Ballistic ® Hollofil AirTM fabric fabric 1680d × 840d) (L-Vent ® Raminet Machining) /Kaureza


If nylon material is wet for a long time, it will be a cause for dissociation or deterioration, so please keep it dry and keep it in storage.Because it is not fully waterproof, it is not possible to prevent water penetration, such as fasteners and needles, which are sewing parts.The sayed material is natural leather, and it is unavoidable for the color to fall due to soaking or friction, or to color the clothes to the clothes.Also, please note that the characteristics of the materials cannot be changed.

I want to

The back of main storage is provided with fastener pockets.

The main storage front has pockets.

The back has a pocket that can be opened and closed with a snap button.

Wattered to the side of the water bottle pocket.

Shoulder strap is removable.

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