SKU: No.525031023

fond Round Middle Wallet No.525031

Sales Price¥19,800

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The main material uses a unique characteristic of an Italian reza with a unique characteristic of its own.After making a chromium of European pelts, a dye is made by finishing the process with two resin, which is called "double-fat," and by finishing it with a dye, it is a finishing touch with the expression of the leather or the natural sensation of the leather, which is characterized by a soft touch with a mochi-mochi. The adjunct material uses a fully-texted, fine expression of the facial expression of the texture.After a chromium of the bark of North America is made, the reza is tightened and elasticity and cosy are being made by retracting the bare-taburtannin into the skin. This is a reza that enjoyingly enjoyable change of the aging of the year by filling the mixture with a puffy oil wax and a coarser that produces a mackerie texture. While it is a simple design that is easy to fit in any style, it is attached to the details such as giving the egg to the embodiment on the part of the real body.This is the Sal Leeds that make use of the soft reza atmosphere.
Size W98 H93 D30mm

Italian steer leather / oil matte cow leather


As the material of the main material is the material of the original facial expression of the dye, it is possible that the remains of the natural leather, the traces of the skin, the blood line, and the dyeing mullet may be produced.Please be aware of the characteristics of the materials. Please note that it is possible to change the color of wet or water when wet or soaked in water.
The adjunct lather is a material that can be frictional and is easy to produce.
As for metal parts, there is a possibility of peeling and discoloration in the metal part in the year of longitude, so please understand the material's characteristics.

I want to

A compact wallet type for a round type.The cards are included in the card, and the card is included.

Fassner type coins were put into the coins.

Fassner uses YKK's EXCELLA.The surface is sharpened, so smooth use is characterized by a glossy light.

Embossed name common to the series.

Embossed name common to the series.

Lekopmen D