SKU: No.44111010

master-piece × OHNISHITUNE SHOTEN Hand fan No.44111

Sales Price¥5,500

(税込) Calculated of postage At the time of check -out


We asked Onishi Tsune Shoten, a Kyoto folding fan specialty store that has been in business for over 90 years, to manufacture the product. Kyoto fans are produced in Kyoto using materials collected in Japan, and are made by skilled craftsmen through approximately 87 production steps. Not only is it comfortable to use, but the more you use it, the more it fits in your hand, allowing you to use it for a long time. An original camouflage print designed with the Japanese archipelago as a motif.

Bone: Bamboo / Fan: Japanese paper


If you touch the portion of the fan too much, please be aware that it will cause pain.

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"Kyogiko" is made by a skilled worker and is produced in approximately 87 manufacturing processes.

Contains the name of master-piece.

The Japanese archipelago has been the motif of the Japanese archipelago, and the Orie, which has been in sauces, is using the lost, lost, liint dough.

The more you use it, the more it will fit in your hand, allowing you to use it for a long time.

There is a dedicated case.

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