SKU: No.24240010

slant Backpack No.24240

Sales Price¥25,300

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In the main body material, it is the environmentally friendly nylon fiber to reduce the energy and the consumption of the material by regenerating the recycled waste recovered from the factory, reduce the waste, reduce the harmful gas in the incineration, reduce the pollution of air and water, compared with the virgin nylon use. In addition, it is excellent in strength and durability compared with general 6 nylon. Cordura coated with this 420D thick lycrace nylon thread ® Eco is used. The surface is treated with water repellent and two urethane coating on the back. There are 13 kinds of the material used in the Japan Leather Technology Association (Jes), the harmful substance inspection (Jes) which is harmful to the human body, and does not use any hexavalent chromium and is made of the eco cow leather tanned with vegetable tannin. It is a casual series that can be used easily as a subbag of outdoor and travel, as well as the usual use of an inclined switch to be vivid.
Size W320 H430 D250 mm
Weight About 540g

420d Hidensity CORDURA ® ECO Reissuru Nylon 100 %
JES standard authentication coach


If the main body material is left wet for a long time, the coating on the back may peel off or deteriorate, so be sure to dry it before storing.
Water repellent treatment is a surface treatment, so as you continue to use it, the effect will fade due to friction and other factors. Water repellency can also be lost due to dust or other dirt that adheres to the fabric. After use, we recommend brushing to remove dirt and frequently using a commercially available water repellent spray. The leather used in the accessories is finished with only dye to bring out the original texture of the leather, so there may be slight color variations. Also, please note that due to the nature of raw materials, discoloration and fading cannot be avoided.
Please note that product specifications may change without notice.

I want to

The main storage of the main storage system.

MacBook Pro 13inch can be stored on the main storage rear.

The front is also equipped with a fastener pocket.

A waterbottle pocket made of face-to-face fasteners.

It is open and closed in the draw code.

Sholder straps can be long and adjusted.

Series name is leather name.

Lekopmen D