SKU: No.12743010

looper Schorder Pouch No.12743

Sales Price¥9,350

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The company uses a chromoreza of MONFRINI PELLAMI S.R.L. (Monfreeni Pelami), a long-established tanner located in Milan, Italy, which was founded in 1898.After chromium and later finish, a colorful and transparent dye is mixed with a transparent dye, with a vivid and elegant coloring of the semianiline that is colored by the rolcoster aircraft. It is characterized by a nice, smooth, lustrous surface with a nice, smooth-soothed surface. This is a leather leather for a European leather-making leather produced in Europe with a high fashion sensitivity. This is the design point where the heavy eyelets of the common flap pockets feel the millitary teaspoon.
Size W115 H170 D20 mm
Weight About 230g.

Italian Mu Sleezer


It is possible to have a particular wrist or wound that is seen in leather. Please note that there may be a change in color or change in color due to friction. Please be aware that if it is wet or wet for natural leather, it can be a cyme.


There is a master-piece leather name on the back side of the main storage.

The front part has a flap pocket common to the series.

There is also an open pocket on the back side.

The shoulder strap is removable.

You can also pull the iwarehouses on the tip of the flap.

The side is the name of the reza with the master-piece logo marked with a tick.
