SKU: No.04041024

Smart Neck Keycase No.04041

Sales Price¥19,800

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In the main material, Leather is using the Smithleaser, a long-established tanner, "MONFRINI PELLAMI S.R.L.", which is located in Milan, Italy, in 1898.Semianiline finishing with a mix of pigments and transparent dyes with good colors and transparent dyes in a later finish to finish the finish is made vivid and elegant and colorful.It is characterized by a nice, smooth, lustrous surface with a nice smooth-soothed surface.This is the name of a company unique to Montfreenipelami, which makes it a fashion-sensitive European laser.A rich color variation of six colors, which is a multi-color multi-color scheme for colorful Italian rezezer.The required minimum amount of money, cards, keys, etc., is a series of trips and business trips, a second Walleton a business trip, and a series of wallets for holidays.

Size W60 H95 D30 mm

italian smooth leather


It is possible to have a specific wrist or scar that is seen in the leaser. Please note that there may be a change in color or change in color due to friction. Please be aware that if it is wet or wet for natural leather, it can be a cyme.
Please note that the specifications for the product may change without notice.

