SKU: No.02636-fd075

FDMTL x master-piece GOLF Head Cover for DR No. 02636-fd

Sales Price¥11,000

(税込) Calculated of postage At the time of check -out


The main material is the Ox with a high density of 600d of polyester yarn, and the aging of the aging indigo denim in Japan, and the traditional Japanese sashimi designThe original handle of FDMTL, such as the bolopatch work, with a technical fabric with aesthetics of the fundamentals, is a sublime transfer a statement.The provided material uses a cowleaser that is dyed in Dark's Navy with an image of Dynim's Indigo.This is a collaborative series that specializes in fusing the features of FDMTL, the beautiful patch work and the master-piece GOLF, which are the same features of the master-piece GOLF.
Size W180 H360 D35 mm
Weight About 110g.

600d Polyyesteroox (Promotion Print Transcription)


Please note that the pattern of the print is different according to the place of use. Please be sure to dry the main body of the product, so please leave it for a long time. Leather has some color blur. Moreover, please note that the color change cannot be avoided on the characteristic. If it gets wet or wet, it may cause stains or discoloration, so remove the water quickly. The water repellent processing becomes the processing of the surface, and the effect is reduced by friction when used. In addition, the water repellent power is lost by dust and other dirt attached to the cloth. After use, it is recommended to remove dirt by brushing, and to use the water repellent spray. This capsule collection becomes Chinese production. Please note that the specification of the product may change without notice.


Head cover to protect the driver.

Comes with tape for easy removal.

Boa material has been added to the interior to improve cushioning and prevent scratches on the club.

It comes with the white name FDMTL, which is the leather brand name common to the series.
